Israel’s friend, the terrorist United States, is sitting with a lock on its mouth calling for an end to the war

  • আপডেট: ১১:৪১:১৪ অপরাহ্ন, রবিবার, ১০ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩
  • ১৮০

Image collected-Trenadi

The war has spread over every inch of the small towns of Gaza, which have been besieged for decades. Hundreds of people are dying every day. The one who was talking to him a little while ago, he is gone! Tank-sniper or bomb attack dead bodies are lying on the road. Or under some rubble.

Civil life in Gaza has been scorched by hundreds of shelling attacks every day. The breath no longer smells of olives, the smell of burnt gunpowder. Living is just waiting for death.

More than 18,000 people have lost their lives since the attack began on October 7. Yet there is no move for a cease-fire in the United States. The United States has not yet given Israel, which is called the country’s “bad son” in the Middle East, a “deadline” for a cease-fire.

The US, the godfather of the terrorist state of Israel, has kept its mouth shut on the question of a permanent ceasefire, despite the media’s repeated calls for a humanitarian ceasefire and civilian casualties. BBC, CNN, Reuters, Aljazeera, AFP.

Citing Israel’s National Security Adviser Zachi Hanegbi, CNN reported on Sunday that the United States has not set a deadline for Israel to end the war against Hamas in Gaza. On the same day, a local Israeli media reported that the war in the Gaza Strip could last for two more months.

No further ceasefire will be offered during this period, the report said, citing unnamed officials. However, efforts will be made to promote additional agreements for the release of the rest of the prisoners, he said. The US has not signaled a ceasefire now. The Biden administration announced this last Thursday.

White House National Security Assistant John Finner said that day that the United States had not given Israel a firm deadline for ending major military operations against Hamas in Gaza. He also said, “This is not our role. This is their (Israel-Hamas) conflict.’

But on December 5, a CNN report on US officials said it would likely last several weeks. May continue till the end of January. Although there is no headache in the cease-fire, Washington has come down with a statement on the end of civilian killings. The regime expressed deep concern almost daily in response to renewed killings after the cease-fire.

It said that the destructive tactics used by the Israeli forces in the north of Gaza should not be reflected in the south.

Although not playing a role in the cease-fire, the US is rightly concerned about supporting Israel. Since the beginning of the war, the country has given thousands of weapons. Billions of dollars spent. Instead of stopping the death of Gaza, Mritupuri announced yet another arms sale.

The US State Department late Friday sent an emergency announcement to lawmakers calling for more arms sales to Israel.

A source directly related to the matter told CNN on Saturday that the administration of US President Joe Biden is going to sell 13,000 tank shells to Israel immediately, bypassing Congress. These weapons will be sold to Israel for 106 million dollars. The announcement came shortly after Israel approved the sale of 45,000 shells for Merkava tanks.

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সম্পাদক ও প্রকাশক:
মোঃ মহিউদ্দিন আল আজাদ

মোবাইল : ০১৭১৭-৯৯২০০৯ (নিউজ) বিজ্ঞাপন : ০১৬৭০-৯০৭৩৬৮

সর্বাধিক পঠিত

মুন্সিরহাটে আগুনে পুড়েগেছে ১২ ব্যবসা প্রতিষ্ঠান

Israel’s friend, the terrorist United States, is sitting with a lock on its mouth calling for an end to the war

আপডেট: ১১:৪১:১৪ অপরাহ্ন, রবিবার, ১০ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩

The war has spread over every inch of the small towns of Gaza, which have been besieged for decades. Hundreds of people are dying every day. The one who was talking to him a little while ago, he is gone! Tank-sniper or bomb attack dead bodies are lying on the road. Or under some rubble.

Civil life in Gaza has been scorched by hundreds of shelling attacks every day. The breath no longer smells of olives, the smell of burnt gunpowder. Living is just waiting for death.

More than 18,000 people have lost their lives since the attack began on October 7. Yet there is no move for a cease-fire in the United States. The United States has not yet given Israel, which is called the country’s “bad son” in the Middle East, a “deadline” for a cease-fire.

The US, the godfather of the terrorist state of Israel, has kept its mouth shut on the question of a permanent ceasefire, despite the media’s repeated calls for a humanitarian ceasefire and civilian casualties. BBC, CNN, Reuters, Aljazeera, AFP.

Citing Israel’s National Security Adviser Zachi Hanegbi, CNN reported on Sunday that the United States has not set a deadline for Israel to end the war against Hamas in Gaza. On the same day, a local Israeli media reported that the war in the Gaza Strip could last for two more months.

No further ceasefire will be offered during this period, the report said, citing unnamed officials. However, efforts will be made to promote additional agreements for the release of the rest of the prisoners, he said. The US has not signaled a ceasefire now. The Biden administration announced this last Thursday.

White House National Security Assistant John Finner said that day that the United States had not given Israel a firm deadline for ending major military operations against Hamas in Gaza. He also said, “This is not our role. This is their (Israel-Hamas) conflict.’

But on December 5, a CNN report on US officials said it would likely last several weeks. May continue till the end of January. Although there is no headache in the cease-fire, Washington has come down with a statement on the end of civilian killings. The regime expressed deep concern almost daily in response to renewed killings after the cease-fire.

It said that the destructive tactics used by the Israeli forces in the north of Gaza should not be reflected in the south.

Although not playing a role in the cease-fire, the US is rightly concerned about supporting Israel. Since the beginning of the war, the country has given thousands of weapons. Billions of dollars spent. Instead of stopping the death of Gaza, Mritupuri announced yet another arms sale.

The US State Department late Friday sent an emergency announcement to lawmakers calling for more arms sales to Israel.

A source directly related to the matter told CNN on Saturday that the administration of US President Joe Biden is going to sell 13,000 tank shells to Israel immediately, bypassing Congress. These weapons will be sold to Israel for 106 million dollars. The announcement came shortly after Israel approved the sale of 45,000 shells for Merkava tanks.