Three girls from a school in Chandpur are going to the United States for basketball training

  • আপডেট: ০৭:৫৪:৫৬ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ জুন ২০২৪
  • ১৮৪


Three female students of the same institution in Chandpur are going to USA for basketball training. Next Friday (June 14) they will leave the country for a month and a half training. They are Sumaiya Akhtar, a class XI student of Veer Pratik Momin Ullah Patwari Academy, Chandpur Sadar, Iti Akhtar, who has just passed SSC, and Farhana Akhtar, a class IX student.

They will receive training in youth sports and women’s improvement under the Sports Visitor Program 2024 of Sports Diplomacy in Los Angeles, USA. The training will continue from June 15 to 29.

Five girls, including three from Chandpur, were finalized for higher training in basketball in this training under the management of a private organization named ‘Desi Bowlers’ from Bangladesh. The other two are Dhaka’s Irada Azam and Safrina Zarin. Ibrahim Mohammad will be their Bangladeshi coach.

Monica Nasreen, Co-Founder of Desi Bowlers, said that since 2018, they have been providing high level training to women under 18 in the country in basketball, football and volleyball. This year they nominated five people from Bangladesh in Los Angeles, USA. And Chandpur Basketball Academy cooperates in this. Nominated coaches from Julie Foudy Sports Academy of USA will train them.

I pray to the people of the country, that by training well, I can bring basketball to the world and bring honor to the country and family.

Manowar Hossain Chowdhury, president of Chandpur Basketball Academy, said, “We train these three students in various courses under the leadership of Academy General Secretary Nurul Amin Akash and send them to various competitions in the country. They participated in basketball tournaments in different places including Dhaka, Chittagong, Comilla, Jessore. Later Desi Bowlers allowed three of them to travel from Bangladesh to USA for higher training.

Sumaiya Akhter, captain of the team participating in the training, says, “We are three from the village. Veer Prateek Momin Ullah Patwari Academy will go to USA for basketball training, never imagined. We are grateful to Veer Pratik Momin Ullah Patwari Academy. We are thankful to Chandpur Basketball Academy.

Student Iti Akhter says, “We want to pray to the people of the country, so that we can raise basketball to the world by training well and bring honor to the country and family.”

Meanwhile, Chandpur District Commissioner Kamrul Hasan gave financial assistance to three students on behalf of Chandpur District Sports Association last Saturday afternoon. Apart from this, the members of ‘Chalen Ghuni’ of social organization ‘Ek Udyog’ greeted them with flowers on the same day afternoon. Chandpur Zilla Parishad chief executive Manowar Hossain provided financial support to those three students.

Momin Ullah Patwari, the founder of Veer Prateek Momin Ullah Patwari Academy said, “Since the establishment of my institution, besides education, sports, arts and literature have been arranged. Students are getting the opportunity to go to different parts of the country. This time, those who will go to basketball training, all three are children of ordinary and low-class families. We just helped them get their passports to the US. The rest is fully borne by the United States government.

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Three girls from a school in Chandpur are going to the United States for basketball training

আপডেট: ০৭:৫৪:৫৬ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ জুন ২০২৪

Three female students of the same institution in Chandpur are going to USA for basketball training. Next Friday (June 14) they will leave the country for a month and a half training. They are Sumaiya Akhtar, a class XI student of Veer Pratik Momin Ullah Patwari Academy, Chandpur Sadar, Iti Akhtar, who has just passed SSC, and Farhana Akhtar, a class IX student.

They will receive training in youth sports and women’s improvement under the Sports Visitor Program 2024 of Sports Diplomacy in Los Angeles, USA. The training will continue from June 15 to 29.

Five girls, including three from Chandpur, were finalized for higher training in basketball in this training under the management of a private organization named ‘Desi Bowlers’ from Bangladesh. The other two are Dhaka’s Irada Azam and Safrina Zarin. Ibrahim Mohammad will be their Bangladeshi coach.

Monica Nasreen, Co-Founder of Desi Bowlers, said that since 2018, they have been providing high level training to women under 18 in the country in basketball, football and volleyball. This year they nominated five people from Bangladesh in Los Angeles, USA. And Chandpur Basketball Academy cooperates in this. Nominated coaches from Julie Foudy Sports Academy of USA will train them.

I pray to the people of the country, that by training well, I can bring basketball to the world and bring honor to the country and family.

Manowar Hossain Chowdhury, president of Chandpur Basketball Academy, said, “We train these three students in various courses under the leadership of Academy General Secretary Nurul Amin Akash and send them to various competitions in the country. They participated in basketball tournaments in different places including Dhaka, Chittagong, Comilla, Jessore. Later Desi Bowlers allowed three of them to travel from Bangladesh to USA for higher training.

Sumaiya Akhter, captain of the team participating in the training, says, “We are three from the village. Veer Prateek Momin Ullah Patwari Academy will go to USA for basketball training, never imagined. We are grateful to Veer Pratik Momin Ullah Patwari Academy. We are thankful to Chandpur Basketball Academy.

Student Iti Akhter says, “We want to pray to the people of the country, so that we can raise basketball to the world by training well and bring honor to the country and family.”

Meanwhile, Chandpur District Commissioner Kamrul Hasan gave financial assistance to three students on behalf of Chandpur District Sports Association last Saturday afternoon. Apart from this, the members of ‘Chalen Ghuni’ of social organization ‘Ek Udyog’ greeted them with flowers on the same day afternoon. Chandpur Zilla Parishad chief executive Manowar Hossain provided financial support to those three students.

Momin Ullah Patwari, the founder of Veer Prateek Momin Ullah Patwari Academy said, “Since the establishment of my institution, besides education, sports, arts and literature have been arranged. Students are getting the opportunity to go to different parts of the country. This time, those who will go to basketball training, all three are children of ordinary and low-class families. We just helped them get their passports to the US. The rest is fully borne by the United States government.